CalTravel’s experienced lobbyists work to increase the travel industry’s visibility at the state level while generating support for policies that protect and advance its interests. Through advocacy to the California Legislature, CalTravel addresses a host of issues that directly and indirectly affect our industry.
Because we maintain strong relationships with state lawmakers, we are at the forefront of these conversations and can influence bills as they make their way through the Legislature.
Support legislation that would:
increase California’s competitiveness as a tourism destination
protect the travel and tourism industry from unnecessary costs of doing business
promote an equal playing field for fair competition in a rapidly changing industry
Oppose legislation that would:
impede visitation
negatively impact visitor spending
unfairly burden tourism related businesses
Set attendance record for annual Tourism Advocacy Day; 100 members met with 83 legislators & staff
Screened and/or read over 4,800 bills to determine impacts on industry; tracked 225 & positioned on 45 over the two-year session
Served as lead witness on several bills & gave expert testimony in multiple committees
Coordinated and testified in a legislative informational hearing on the impact of events & gatherings on California tourism
Had 14 bills we supported signed by the Governor
Helped stop eight bills we opposed from reaching the Governor’s desk
We often get asked how we decide whether or not to engage on certain policy issues. The answer is: the issue must meet the criteria of our Advocacy Decisions Roadmap. If you have an issue you’d like us to tackle, please reference our roadmap to see if it qualifies for engagement.
The GRC promotes the mission of CalTravel through engagement in the public policy development process on behalf of its membership. The Committee sets legislative priorities, reviews policy issues, and recommends positions on legislation relevant to its mission.
“The hospitality industry ranks in the top industries driving the California economy. We need a voice at the table with our elected officials. CalTravel provides the opportunity to make our voices heard.”