The ability to conduct business more effectively as a result of connecting with others is one of the many benefits of CalTravel membership.
This page allows members to list their RFPs; receive proposals from qualified tourism businesses; and find business opportunities within the tourism world.
caltravel rfps
board meeting
CalTravel holds four board meetings per year and selects venues that reflect the diversity of tourism around the state. We partner with CalTravel member hosts to bring revenue and visibility to your destination and communities.
caltravel summit
The CalTravel Summit is a premier educational event where travel and tourism leaders from across the state come together to gain insights, exchange ideas, expand their networks, and experience a new destination.
tourism advocacy day
Each May, CalTravel holds Tourism Advocacy Day in Sacramento. Members meet with legislators to educate them on the value and priorities of the travel and tourism industry.
member rfps
share your news
Share your RFPs, and we will post them. Our hope is that you will receive proposals from qualified tourism businesses and find business opportunities within the industry.
“Staff are very responsive to questions and help facilitate understanding of complex issues.”