With the help cannabis tourism expert Brian Applegarth, CalTravel has created this toolkit to demystify the hemp and cannabis tourism segment and enable California’s travel industry stakeholders to confidently embrace and integrate cannabis and hemp-related products and services into their model, to safely serve and accommodate visitor interest.

In the toolkit below, you’ll find data, education, news, and other resources to support CalTravel members with navigating this rapidly growing travel trend.


  • Words matter and they need to be chosen carefully to carry an emotional connection while reflecting the unique offerings and values of the cannabis travel community, as a niche trend of the greater global travel industry today. That means communicating in a manner that is simple and emotional, which tackles and addresses the most important concepts and fosters stronger communication and understanding.

    Cannabis Travel: A type of destination activity for visitors linked to cannabis and hemp-related products, services, and experiences - while traveling. Experiences include CBD massages in spa, guided legacy farm tours, cannabis cultural trail and passports, cannabis sommelier services, infused-dining experiences, cannabis consumption lounges programming and performances, cannabis wellness centers and classes, Effect Pairing cannabis with signature or iconic destination activities, and more. Cannabis travel today centers around wellness, and is inclusive of both medical and leisure travel.

    Balance: Cannabis, supported by science and fact, is well-being. The human relationship with cannabis began in ancient China. Cannabis and humans have co-evolved, and continue to. We all have a biological system in our bodies whose receptors function and communicate directly with the therapeutic compounds found in the cannabis and hemp plant. CBD is just one of many of these therapeutic compounds. The primary function of this biological system, the Endocannabinoid System, is to support something referred to as 'homeostasis' - also known as 'optimal balance' for health and wellness.. This is why cannabis is well-being and supports quality of life.

    Mindset: Mindset are the internal factors, the combined physical, mental, and emotional state of an activity or experience participant. A well prepared mindset anchored in intention and growth, supports the success of a cannabis or hemp-related destination experience, especially those that involve THC-rich cannabis consumption. Mindset and setting work together to facilitate a complete experience.

    Setting: Setting are the external factors including the environment and the container of the activity or experience for the participant. A well prepared setting anchored in safety, comfort, convenience and facilitating awareness and growth supports success, especially for those cannabis experiences that include THC-rich cannabis consumption. Mindset and setting work together to facilitate a complete experience.

    Flow State: Also referred to as a ‘runner’s high’ or ‘being in the zone’ for athletes, Flow State is an optimal state of consciousness and amplifies the present moment. When a visitor is experiencing Flow State, their sense of self, time, and space dissolve, and they feel completely immersed in an activity or experience. Laughter, joy, and a sense of ease and gratitude are signatures of Flow State experiences.

    Effect Pairing: Effect Pairing is the art of selecting and consuming a cannabis cultivar or product in an effort to optimally enhance an activity or experience. Effect Pairing categories include art, culinary, nature, and more.

    Awareness: Awareness is heightened when one is incredibly present, an effect that cannabis can help facilitate. Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of nuance and inter-connectivity of your surroundings.

  • March 2023 - Cannabis Trail, Shop & Lounge Experiences, Wellness Experiences, Destination Development






Topics: Plant Education, DNext Futures Data and Insights, Destination Checklist Tool for DMOs

Guest Speaker: N/A

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Topics: Cannabis-Related Pain Management Travel, San Francisco Travel Association & Cannabis Website Content

Guest Speaker: Brenda Tucker, San Francisco Travel Association

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JUNE 2023

Topics: Sustainable Development Goals, Visit Oakland Cannabis Trail

Guest Speaker: Monti Rossetti, Visit Oakland Cannabis Trail

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APRIL 2023

Topics: Cannanbis & Hemp Tourism Newsletter, Travel Audience Data, Oakland Cannabis Trail

Guest Speaker: Jim Roberts & Brian Adkinson, Owners of The Bohemian Chemist, an herbal apothecary and spa in Mendocino County

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Topics: California State Fair Cannabis Awards, Legislative Updates

Guest Speaker: Adelia Carrillo, Chief Marketing Officer of EventHi, an online ticketing platform for cannabis-related events

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Topics: Cannabis Travel Audience Data

Guest Speaker: Matt Kurth, Founder of Humboldt Cannabis Tours, a licensed cannabis farm tour company

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Topics: Visit California, Visit Medocino, and Cannabis Tourism Data

Guest Speaker: Monique Jackson-Fitzgerald, Attorney and Co-Founder of, a cannabis travel platform

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JUNE 2022

Topics: Cannabis and the Wellness Travel Trend, Data Points from Forbes Article on Wellness Tourism

Guest Speaker: Amanda Reiman, VP of Public Policy Research for New Frontier Data, a cannabis-focused data analytics firm

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MAY 2022

Topics: Cannabis Catering, Cannabis and Hemp Activism in Community Placemaking

Guest Speaker: Genine Coleman, Founder of Origins Council, a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing geographic indication systems for cannabis

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APRIL 2022

Topics: Cannabis Catering

Guest Speaker: Jerred Kiloh, Owner of The Higher Path, a licensed medical and recreational cannabis dispensary

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MARCH 2022

Topics: Hemp and Cannabis in Culinary, Government Relations Recommendations

Guest Speaker: Omar Figueroa, Attorney and vanguard of California cannabis law

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Topics: Potential Guest Speaker Topics, Abridged Data Publication - State of Cannabis Travel, Marketing Channels, Cannabis Event Trends, Study on Hemp Compounds CBGA & CBDA

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