CalTravel’s mission is to protect and advance the interests and investments of California’s travel industry through advocacy, collaboration, and education. CalTravel seeks to provide live and virtual meetings and interactions in which all participants feel safe and are treated with respect.

Our members agree to adhere to the following minimum expectations of behavior at all CalTravel live and virtual meetings and events, as well as when representing themselves as members of CalTravel in public.

Types of conduct that CalTravel considers inappropriate includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment: unwelcome, inappropriate, or offensive verbal, visual, or physical contact, including conduct or comments that a person would reasonably find offensive

  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, threats or demands, or inappropriate photography or recording

  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events

  • Unwelcome jokes, comments, gestures, or other expressions, however intended

  • Disrespectful speech including epithets, derogatory comments, slurs or unwanted sexual comments, advances, or invitations

  • Retaliation, revenge, or retribution for having reported or threatening to report harassment

CalTravel, in its sole discretion, will determine the nature of the participant conduct that warrants corrective action, as well as the corrective action to be taken. Corrective actions may include:

  • Verbal warning

  • Expulsion from the event with no refund of fees

  • Individual cannot serve as the representative of their organization at CalTravel and cannot attend CalTravel events

  • Reporting to law enforcement

If you believe you are being subjected to or witness violations of CalTravel Code of Conduct, believe someone else is being subjected to inappropriate conduct, or have any other concerns, please contact Barb Newton at or (650) 743-9936. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please contact hotel security or local law enforcement.

CalTravel membership is by organization. Excepting the provision above, it is up to each member organization to designate its CalTravel representative. For legal, confidentiality, and fairness reasons, CalTravel does not get involved in intra-organization personnel issues. To report bad conduct by an individual that involves CalTravel directly, contact Barb Newton, at