year-round opportunities

  • Partner Benefits:

    • Opportunity to interact with board of directors

    • CalTravel CEO thank you and mention at board meeting

    • Opportunity to address board members at board meeting (1-2 mins)

    • Logo recognition on all board meeting promotions and communications including agenda, signage, and slides

    • Opportunity to display pull up banners outside session and provide sponsor branded premiums for all session attendees

    • Logo recognition on CalTravel Events page (duration of promotion)

    • Opportunity to send 1 custom e-blast to attendees

    • Listing in PartnerLink for 12 months

    • Exclusive digital export of attendee contact info


board meeting

Attendees gather for two days of committee meetings, advocacy updates, guest speakers, and networking opportunities.

board meeting meal

Fuel the minds of industry peers with breakfast immediately before the board meeting or lunch during the board meeting

commitee meeting

Committees help shape the future of CalTravel and allow members to further develop their careers and add value to their organizations.


Netoworking Moment

Creating moments of connection is key. Provide a special treat during board meeting breaks or host happy hour before the PAC Fundraising Dinner.


Industry leaders gather to dine, network, and support the CalTravel PAC at some of California's finest dining establishments.


Deliver company insights and learnings with a 30-minute content session in sync with CalTravel committee meetings.


  • Partner Benefits:

    • Align your company with the current CalTravel guest speaker

    • Logo recognition on California Connections Speaker Series welcome slide

    • CalTravel CEO thank you during opening comments

    • Logo recognition in promotional newsletters and social media posts

    • Logo recognition on CalTravel Events page (duration of promotion)

    • Opportunity to send 1 custom e-blast pre- or post-session

    • Listing in PartnerLink for 12 months

    • Opportunity to offer an attendee incentive with sponsored push notification on CalTravel event app

    • Exclusive digital export of attendee contact info



Guest speakers share insights and facilitate valuable conversations that help advance and shape the future of California’s tourism industry.



let’s Lock it in

Interested in one of the partnership opportunities above, but not sure when to activate? View our upcoming events to determine your preference.

Upcoming Events >>


let’s chat more

Want to learn more about one of the partnership opportunities above? Our VP of Business Development, Reena Evenson, is here to help!

Let’s Chat >>


CalTravel is so important to the industry. Having a collective voice on advocacy doesn’t happen without the leadership of CalTravel. Networking and being able to talk with other industry professionals is important. The information they send out and the monthly speaker series are very important!
— Rhonda Salisbury, CEO, Visit Yosemite | Madera County